Your Defender in Action:
Proven, Ready,
and Reliable!
With nearly two decades of criminal defense experience in every avenue, from petty theft to homicide, attorney Tammy Higgins is prepared to fight for you.
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San Bernardino Criminal Defense Attorney

Facing criminal charges in San Bernardino, CA, can be overwhelming and intimidating. At SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer, we understand the gravity of your situation and are here to help. Our dedicated San Bernardino Criminal Defense Attorneys focus on providing vigorous legal defenses tailored to the unique nature of your case. As a specialized criminal defense law firm, we leverage our deep knowledge and experience to defend your rights at every stage of the legal process.

Selecting the right criminal defense attorney is critical in ensuring a strong defense. Our firm combines local expertise with a thorough understanding of state and federal laws, giving you a strategic advantage. We believe every client deserves a fair chance and commit to fighting tirelessly on your behalf.

San Bernardino Criminal Defense Attorney

Call us about your case today at
949-568-2705 for a
Free Confidential Consultation.

Our San Bernardino Criminal Defense Attorney Provides the Defense You Deserve

Facing a criminal charge can be overwhelming. You might feel like your whole world has been turned upside down; however, just because you have been accused does not mean you are guilty. Our experienced criminal defense attorney is here to provide you with the defense you deserve. Everyone accused of a crime has the right to a criminal attorney. It would help if you had our law office to stand with you.

An experienced defense attorney from our criminal defense firm knows how to analyze a prosecution's case. We can look for areas of weakness that can shift the playing field in your favor. Maybe we can create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. Perhaps we can remove evidence that has been deemed inadmissible. In some cases, we can ask for a dismissal or prevent charges from being filed. Our law offices will exhaust every option on your behalf. The sooner you contact us for help, the easier we can control the narrative. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation.

Why You Need a Local Defense Attorney Now

When facing criminal charges in San Bernardino, it's essential to act quickly. A local criminal defense lawyer understands the intricacies of the local criminal justice system and can help you work through it effectively. Our attorneys have established relationships with local courts and law enforcement, which can be advantageous in managing your case. Local knowledge can change how a case is handled and impact its eventual outcome.

Having a San Bernardino-based attorney also means easy access to your legal team when you need them the most. Quick, face-to-face meetings can be important, especially when new evidence or issues arise. We prioritize clear, open communication to ensure you're always informed and prepared. Remember, the sooner you engage a local attorney, the better your chances of securing a favorable result.

Defense Strategies Employed

Defense Strategies Employed

Thorough investigation of facts

We gather all available evidence, interview witnesses, and scrutinize the prosecution's claims. Understanding the full context of your case allows us to craft a more effective defense strategy.

Challenging evidence

Any evidence obtained illegally or mishandled during the investigation can substantially affect the outcome. We ensure that your rights under the law are fully protected by contesting any procedural errors or rights violations.

Negotiating plea deals

When appropriate, negotiating a plea deal can be advantageous. We assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case to determine if a plea deal offers a favorable outcome, always with your best interests in mind. Let us help you decide if you are getting a fair or favorable deal.

Preparation for trial

If your case goes to trial, we prepare meticulously. This includes organizing all case materials, prepping witnesses, and crafting compelling arguments for the jury.

Utilizing expert witnesses

Sometimes, expert testimony is essential in explaining complex issues related to your defense. We maintain a network of reputable experts whose insights can be pivotal in your case.

client testimonials

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Types of Criminal Cases Handled

At SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer, we handle a wide range of criminal cases to ensure that you have expert legal support, no matter your situation. Our experienced defense attorneys are well-versed in criminal law, from minor infractions to serious felonies.

DUI and DWI Offenses

Driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are common but serious accusations that can have long-lasting consequences. Our team understands the complexities of DUI laws in California. We challenge the evidence, question the legality of traffic stops, and work to protect your driving privileges.

Drug Crimes

Drug-related charges can run from simple possession to drug trafficking. These charges carry severe penalties and require a nuanced defense. We analyze every detail of your case, from the legality of the search and seizure to the handling of the substances by authorities.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence charges not only carry legal consequences but can also have profound personal and social repercussions. Our criminal defense attorneys are sensitive to the complexities involved and provide a defense that respects all involved's privacy and stakes.

Assault and Battery

Assault and battery are wobblers, which means that, depending on the circumstances, they could be charged as misdemeanors or felonies. We understand the nuances of these charges and provide an aggressive defense, questioning every aspect of the case, from the evidence to the intent.

Homicide Defense

Facing a homicide charge is one of the most serious situations an individual can encounter. Our seasoned criminal defense lawyers approach these cases with the utmost seriousness and preparation, aiming to ensure your side of the story is heard fairly in court.

White-Collar Crimes

White-collar crimes involve complex evidentiary issues and may span jurisdictions. We are equipped to handle cases involving fraud, embezzlement, and more, employing thorough investigative techniques and comprehensive legal strategies.


Harassment charges can damage your reputation and personal life. Our attorneys understand the delicate nature of these cases and work diligently to resolve them, focusing on the intent and context of the behavior in question.

Tammy Higgins

meet the attorney

Tammy Higgins

founding attorney

With 18 years of legal practice, Attorney Higgins spent the initial 16 years as a public defender specializing in criminal defense, particularly homicide cases. With a track record of over 100 jury trials, including numerous homicide cases, she transitioned to private practice, gaining expertise in restraining order laws and representing clients in federal court for financial crimes such as money laundering and unlicensed money exchange in California's Central and Southern districts.

Ms. Higgins has handled every type of case from theft and DUI to violent crimes and complex fraud allegations. In addition, she has extensive expertise in post-conviction representation. Attorney Higgins has been successful in getting multiple murder convictions vacated as well as successfully having clients resentenced from life in prison to time served. Her post-conviction work also includes habeas petitions and tireless efforts to reopen cases for violations of the Racial Justice Act.
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What Happens After an Arrest?

Police booking

After an arrest, you will be taken to the police station for booking. This process includes taking your information, fingerprints, and photographs.

Bail determination

A judge will decide whether you can be released on bail and the amount. Bail is intended to ensure you appear for court proceedings.


At your arraignment, you will hear the charges against you. Then, you will be asked to plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest.

Attorney consultation

Speaking to a criminal defense attorney as soon as you can is vital. This step can seriously impact the direction of your case.

Discovery phase

Your defense team will receive evidence from the prosecutor during the discovery phase. This is a critical time for gathering evidence that may support your defense.

Pre-trial motions

We may file motions to dismiss charges or suppress evidence if applicable. These motions can limit the prosecution's case against you.


If your case goes to trial, we will represent you in court, presenting evidence and arguing to achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact Our San Bernardino Criminal Defense Attorney

The Role of a Criminal Defense Lawyer

The role of a criminal defense lawyer is comprehensive and vital. We protect your rights from the moment of your arrest to the conclusion of the trial. Our job is to ensure you receive a fair trial, challenging any aspect of the case that could lead to an unjust conviction.

Contact Our San Bernardino Criminal Defense Attorney for a Free Case Consultation

If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges in San Bernardino, you must contact a skilled criminal defense attorney immediately. At SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer, we offer a free consultation to discuss your case and outline a defense strategy tailored to your needs. Contact us today to speak to our team.

Our Experienced San Bernardino Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You Fight Your Charges

Having an experienced criminal defense attorney is vital when facing criminal charges in San Bernardino. At SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer, we provide aggressive and comprehensive legal representation. Our lawyer works tirelessly to defend your rights and fight for your freedom.

Our team is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the legal process. We focus on building a solid defense strategy tailored to your specific situation. Our commitment is to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Legal Consultation and Case Evaluation

Our legal consultation and case evaluation services are the first steps in your defense. We review the details of your case, assess the evidence against you, and discuss potential defense strategies. Our attorney provides you with a clear understanding of your legal situation and options.

Investigation and Evidence Gathering

A thorough investigation and evidence gathering are essential for building a solid defense. Our team examines every aspect of your case, looking for weaknesses in the prosecution's case. We collect evidence, talk to witnesses, and consult experts to strengthen your defense.

Plea Negotiations

Plea negotiations can be a critical part of the criminal defense process. Our lawyer is exceptional negotiators, working to secure plea deals that are in your best interest. We can speak with prosecutors to reduce charges or penalties, aiming for a resolution that minimizes the impact on your life.

Court Representation and Defense Strategies

Our court representation and defense strategies are tailored to the specifics of your case. We prepare meticulously for trial, presenting a solid defense and challenging the prosecution's case. Our attorney is an experienced litigator, ready to defend you aggressively in court.

Bail and Pretrial Release Assistance

We assist with bail and pretrial release, advocating for reasonable bail conditions. We want to obtain your release from custody as your case is pending. We work to ensure that you can continue with your life as we prepare for your defense.

Let Our Skilled Criminal Defense Lawyer at SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer Help You | Call Us Today!

Don't wait to seek legal assistance if you or a loved one is facing criminal charges in San Bernardino. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our skilled San Bernardino criminal defense attorney. We are ready to defend your rights and fight for your future.

What sets us apart
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Expertise and Experience
Personalized Legal Strategies
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Advocates for Your Rights
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