San Bernardino Domestic Violence Attorney

San Bernardino domestic violence attorney

In San Bernardino, facing domestic violence charges can have severe consequences on your life. These allegations are not only emotionally taxing but also carry significant legal implications. At SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer, we specialize in domestic violence cases, providing expert legal support to those accused. Every domestic violence crime is prosecuted vigorously in San Bernardino County. Our domestic violence lawyers are here to represent you.

Our approach to defending against domestic violence allegations is comprehensive and empathetic. We realize the impact these charges can have on your personal and professional life. Our firm offers a confidential and supportive environment where we work closely with you to navigate these challenging times.

Trust in our experience and dedication to fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Contact our San Bernardino domestic violence attorney to schedule a free consultation.

How Our SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help if You've Been Accused of Domestic Violence in San Bernardino

How our SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyers can help if you've been accused of domestic violence in San Bernardino

Legal Consultation and Case Evaluation

Our first step is providing a detailed legal consultation and case evaluation. We listen to your side of the story and assess the charges against you. Our team outlines your legal options and the possible outcomes of your case. This initial evaluation is crucial for understanding your situation and planning your defense. Reach out to our California law office to get your defense started.

Representation in Court Proceedings

We offer skilled representation in court proceedings. Our attorney is well-versed in handling domestic violence cases in San Bernardino courts. Our San Bernardino lawyer prepares meticulously for each hearing and trial, ensuring your side of the story is heard. Count on our law firm to protect your rights and work towards a favorable outcome.

Negotiating Plea Deals and Settlements

Our team is proficient in negotiating plea deals and settlements. We strive to reach agreements that can reduce the severity of the charges or penalties you face. Our negotiation skills are a key part of our defense strategy, aimed at achieving the best possible resolution for you. We will always fight for your best interests above all else.

Assistance with Restraining Orders

We also provide assistance with restraining orders associated with domestic violence cases. Whether you're contesting a restraining order or need guidance on complying with one, we can help. Our attorney understands the intricacies of restraining orders and how they can affect your life.

Overview of San Bernardino Domestic Violence Laws

Domestic violence laws in San Bernardino are designed to protect individuals from harm within a domestic setting. These laws cover a range of behaviors and relationships, and violations can lead to serious legal consequences. Understanding these laws is essential for anyone facing domestic violence charges.

Penal Code 273.5: Corporal Injury to a Spouse or Cohabitant

Penal Code 273.5 addresses corporal injury to a spouse or cohabitant in California. This statute makes it illegal to inflict physical injury leading to a traumatic condition on an intimate partner. Penalties can include fines and imprisonment. This is a felony, and a conviction under this statute could result in imprisonment for up to four years and a fine of up to $10,000.

Penal Code 243(E)(1): Domestic Battery

Penal Code 243(E)(1) defines domestic battery as the unlawful and deliberate use of force or violence against a spouse, cohabitant, or significant other. Convictions can result in fines and possible jail time. This is a wobbler, meaning it could be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. A conviction under this statute could result in a fine of up to $2,000 and imprisonment for up to one year as a misdemeanor, but the prison term could be up to four years if convicted as a felony.

Penal Code 273D: Child Abuse

Penal Code 273D pertains to child abuse in California. It criminalizes the physical injury or cruel punishment of a child. The law imposes strict penalties, including fines and imprisonment, for those found guilty. A conviction under this statute could result in imprisonment for up to six years and a fine of up to $6,000.

Penal Code 273(A): Child Endangerment

Penal Code 273(A) deals with child endangerment. It makes it illegal to willfully cause or permit a child to suffer harm or be placed in a dangerous situation. Violating this statute can result in fines and imprisonment. This is a wobbler. A conviction under this statute could result in imprisonment for up to one year if charged as a misdemeanor but up to six years if charged as a felony.

Penal Code 422: Criminal Threats

Penal Code 422 covers criminal threats in California. This law criminalizes threats of death or great bodily injury that cause fear in the victim. Convictions can carry severe penalties, including jail time. A conviction under this statute could result in up to one year if charged as a misdemeanor but up to four years if charged as a felony. This is also a strike under California's Three Strikes law.

Penal Code 273.6: Restraining Order

Penal Code 273.6 addresses violations of restraining orders in California. This statute imposes penalties for knowingly and willfully violating the terms of a restraining order. Penalties include fines and potential jail time.

Domestic Violence Protective Order

A domestic violence protective order is a legal tool used to prevent further abuse in domestic violence cases. These orders can include various restrictions on the accused, such as no-contact orders and limitations on proximity to the victim. Obtaining or contesting a protective order requires understanding the legal process and its implications.

Most Common Victims of Domestic Abuse in San Bernardino

Most common victims of domestic abuse in San Bernardino
  • Intimate Partners: Spouses or former spouses often face domestic abuse, whether physical, emotional, or psychological.
  • Cohabitants: Individuals living together, including unmarried couples, are also common victims of domestic abuse.
  • Children: Children in the household can be victims of abuse, either directly or as witnesses to violence between adults.
  • Elderly Family Members: Elderly family members are sometimes targets of domestic abuse, often in the form of neglect or financial exploitation.
  • Dating Partners: Those in dating relationships, including teenagers and young adults, can experience forms of domestic abuse.

Consequences and Penalties for Domestic Violence Offenses

The consequences and penalties for domestic violence offenses in San Bernardino can be severe. They may include imprisonment, fines, mandatory counseling, and loss of certain rights, such as firearm possession. A conviction can also have lasting impacts on personal and professional relationships.

In addition to legal penalties, domestic violence convictions carry social stigma and can significantly affect your reputation. They can impact custody disputes, employment opportunities, and more. Understanding the full scope of these consequences is crucial for anyone facing domestic violence charges. Many of the consequences are detailed in the relevant section above.

What To Do if You Are Arrested on a Domestic Violence Charge

What to do if you are arrested on a domestic violence charge
  1. Remain Calm: Stay composed during the arrest to avoid escalating the situation.
  2. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent: You have the right to remain silent; use it to avoid self-incrimination.
  3. Avoid Discussing Your Case: Do not discuss your case with anyone except your attorney.
  4. Contact an Attorney Immediately: Seek legal representation as soon as possible.
  5. Follow Legal Advice: Adhere to the guidance provided by your attorney.
  6. Document Everything: Keep a record of all interactions and incidents related to the case.
  7. Comply With Court Orders: Follow any court orders, such as restraining orders, to avoid additional charges.

The Legal Process for Domestic Violence Cases in San Bernardino

Information on obtaining restraining orders

Obtaining a restraining order in San Bernardino involves a specific legal process. Our attorney can assist you with the proper filing of a restraining order, ensuring all necessary paperwork is accurately completed and submitted.

Collaborating with local support organizations

We collaborate with local support organizations to provide comprehensive assistance to victims of domestic violence. These organizations offer various resources, from shelter to counseling, which can be crucial during this challenging time.

Encouraging defendants to seek legal help

We strongly encourage defendants against domestic violence charges to seek legal help. Legal assistance can provide representation, support, and guidance in navigating the issues surrounding domestic violence cases. 

Build a Strong Defense Against Domestic Violence Charges

Build a strong defense against domestic violence charges

Affirmative Defense

An affirmative defense in a domestic violence case involves presenting evidence that justifies or excuses the alleged behavior, effectively asserting that the accused had valid reasons for their actions. This can include self-defense or defense of others, especially in situations where the accused felt immediate danger to themselves or someone else. Our legal team specializes in constructing affirmative defenses, aiming to demonstrate the necessity of the accused's actions. We gather evidence, witness testimonies, and expert opinions to support claims of self-defense or defense of others.

False Allegations or Alibi

False allegations are unfortunately not uncommon in domestic violence cases, and they can severely impact the lives of those accused. Our approach in such situations is to gather evidence to support your alibi or discredit the false claims made against you. We work hard to explore the circumstances surrounding the allegations, employing strategies like reviewing surveillance footage, obtaining witness statements, and scrutinizing the accuser's history and credibility.

Insufficient Evidence

In some domestic violence cases, the prosecution may not have enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that domestic violence occurred. Our team meticulously reviews all evidence presented by the prosecution, looking for gaps or inconsistencies that can be exploited in your defense. We challenge the sufficiency and reliability of the prosecution's evidence, arguing that without concrete proof, a conviction is not justifiable.

No Proof of Recklessness or Intent

In cases of domestic violence, proving the accused's recklessness or intent is a critical component for the prosecution. We scrutinize the evidence and circumstances to argue that the accused's actions were not reckless or intentional but rather a misunderstanding or a situation taken out of context. Our objective is to create doubt about the accused's state of mind, which is crucial for a conviction in such cases.

Suppression of Evidence

The suppression of evidence is a key strategy in cases where evidence against the accused was obtained unlawfully. If law enforcement violated legal procedures in obtaining evidence, such as conducting an illegal search and seizure, we would file motions to have this evidence excluded from the trial. By challenging the admissibility of unlawfully obtained evidence, we can significantly weaken the prosecution's case. Our focus is on ensuring that all evidence used against our clients is gathered and presented in accordance with the law.

Domestic Violence Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In California, domestic violence is legally defined as physical, emotional, or psychological abuse directed at an intimate partner, family member, or cohabitant. It includes numerous behaviors, including physical harm, threats, harassment, and stalking.

A domestic violence charge in California can lead to serious legal consequences, including jail time, restraining orders, and a criminal record, which can impact employment, housing, and personal relationships. Additionally, it may have long-lasting emotional and social repercussions, affecting your reputation and future opportunities.

If you are accused of domestic violence in California, you have the right to legal representation, the right to defend yourself in court, and the right to a fair trial. Your options include negotiating plea deals, seeking dismissal or reduction of charges, or fighting the charges through a trial.

Contact Our Experienced San Bernardino Domestic Violence Attorney at SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer Today!

Contact our experienced San Bernardino domestic violence attorney

If you're facing domestic violence charges in San Bernardino, don't navigate this difficult time alone. Contact SoCal Criminal Defense Lawyer today for experienced and compassionate legal representation.

With our experienced San Bernardino domestic violence attorneys, you can confidently navigate the legal system. We are committed to providing you with aggressive defense and compassionate support throughout your case. Contact us today, and let us help you move forward from these charges.

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